Monday, March 26, 2012

Borneo Sport Arena

Anda kaki Futsal? Nak adakan Tournament Futsal? Nak tempah tempat untuk bermain Futsal?

Cuba lah Borneo Sport Arena (BSA).

Best tempat ni. Menyediakan banyak gelanggang bersaiz kecil dan besar. Ada cafeteria sendiri kalau nak duduk rehat dan santai. Nak melepak tengok budak-budak main bola pun best juga.

Kalau nak tempah boleh hubungi di talian mereka. Gelanggang besar - 180/jam dan Gelanggang kecil - 100/jam.....

Nak tahu lebih lanjut tentang BSA? click lah link di bawah... ini facebook page mereka...

Harap dapat bantu anda... :)

Sport Rating for BSA: 82% - sangat memuaskan

Jom cerita pasal Olimpik~

Hi semua,

Kali ini kita akan cerita pasal fakta-fakta menarik tentang Olimpik...

Tahukah anda?

1. Olimpik Moden diasaskan oleh Pierre de Coubertin (Perancis).

2. Citius, Altius, Fortius (motto Olimpik) bermaksud Lebih Pantas, Lebih Tinggi, Lebih Kuat. Ia dipinjam oleh Pierre de Coubertin dari sahabat beliau Father Henri Didon.

3. 5 bulatan pada bendera Olimpik itu melambangkan 5 benua terpenting di dunia (Asia, Eropah, Africa, Amerika Utara dan Amerika Selatan).

4. Angkat Sumpah Olimpik pertama dilaungkan oleh Victor Boin (Atlit Fencing dari Belgium).

5. Pingat Emas Olimpik yang 100% adalah diperbuat daripada emas, kali terakhir dikeluarkan (dianugerahkan) pada tahun 1912.

6. Penganugerahan Tuan Rumah Olimpik diberikan kepada Bandar-Bandar besar dan bukannya Negara. (contoh, Beijing 2008).

7. Juara pertama Olimpik Moden ialah James B. Connoly (acara hop, step and jump) dari USA pada Olimpik 1896. Acara tersebut adalah acara pertama yang selesai pada Olimpik 1896.

8. Sejarah acara Marathon diukir oleh Pheidippides (askar Greece) apabila beliau berlari 25 batu dari Marathon ke Greece (lebih kurang 25 batu) untuk memberitahu kemenangan tentera Greece ke atas tentera Parsi. Beliau meninggal dunia selepas menyampaikan mesej tersebut. Acara Marathon adalah untuk memperingati Pheidippides.

Nantikan kesinambungan cerita-cerita Olimpik di masa akan datang. Stay Tune. Keep Following Us.


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Fun Facts

Hey Everyone,
Good news, the Fun Facts section is now up and running (as of 23/03/12 – 0:49 a.m.). We will start posting interesting sport facts as soon as possible.

As a starter:
Did you know?

- The first own goal in the English Football league was scored by Aston Villa's Gershom Cox in a match against Wolverhampton Wanderer in 1888.

- In Ancient Greece, women are forbidden to participate and even spectate Olympic Events.

- Slamdunk (basketball) is previously known as dunk shot.

Keep following us.

Global Sport

Hey Everyone,

Good news, the Global Sport section is now up and running (as of 23/03/12 – 0:15 a.m.). Here we will provide you with links to other sport-related pages (which might help you with your assignments LoL).

Keep following us.

Gedung Ilmu

Hey Everyone,

Good news, the Gedung Ilmu section is now up and running (as of 23/03/12 – 0:20 a.m.). We will start posting interesting sport information (e.g. Types of Training, Sport Nutritions) as soon as possible.

Keep following us. You never know what you can learn from our blog. =)

UMS Sport News

Hey Everyone,

Good news, UMS Sport News section is now up and running (as of 23/03/12 – 0:15 a.m.). We will start posting news regarding sport activities that is happening in UMS.

Keep following us.

Friday, March 16, 2012


Hi Everyone,

Welcome to UMS Sport Crew's blog.

This blog was created by HS20 Sport Science students from University Malaysia Sabah in 2012.

Originally intended as a project for ICT and Sport module, the aim of this blog is to provide useful information related to Sport, especially information and links that are helpful to students of UMS. 

Our blog features:

1) A news Bulletin - UMS SPORT NEWS

2) Sport Science and Products - GEDUNG ILMU

3) A collection of useful links to other sport-related page - GLOBAL SPORT

4) A collection of sport fun facts - FUN FACTS

Come and Follow us.